Where to Shop for Items to Style Your Home

I get asked all the time where items are from and where I like to shop when I’m styling my client’s homes. The truth is, I shop at so many stores! But here are some of my favorite go-to stores and what I look for at each.

Home Goods & At Home
I use Home Goods and At Home a ton because they have all the finishing pieces I need like knick knacks, trays, vases, and fake plants. If you’re looking for a one stop shop to find items that will fill out built in shelves or need amazing coffee book tables, I would check them out. While these stores are great for staying within a budget, if you’re willing to do some searching you can also find some great high end items. I would recommend shopping on delivery days for the best finds.
Local Stores
At local stores you can find one-of-a-kind pieces from all over the world. I always love supporting local stores and providing items for my clients that are super unique and different than what you can find at big box stores. They tend to be (more expensive or more affordable?) than most stores. My favorite local stores are Nadeau, Your Nesting Place, and Leon and Lulu.

Local Chains
Some chain stores that I visit locally are Anthropologie, Crate and Barrel (CB2 online), West Elm, Pottery Barn, and Arhaus. These large chains are great for quality pillows, lamps, and books. I love Anthropologie in particular for glassware, shelving and trays.